Public meetings are always in danger of Zoom Bombing due to the rules that must be met for a meeting to be called public under the New Hampshire Governor’s Emergency order #12 defining public meetings.
So what about private meetings that would not normally be covered under NH 91A?
Private meetings can be held via a Zoom but you need to follow some precautions or you may be Zoom Bombed as well.
First, email the participants (zoom does this for you) rather than publicly posting the meeting URL. Posting the Meeting URL on Social Media is an invitation for bad actors. There are people constantly scanning social media sites looking for Zoom meeting IDs.
Second, Password protect the meeting, meaning that participants will have to enter a password once they arrive. Make a new password for every meeting and make it difficult. I recommend not using any dictionary words and mix up Caps, numbers and special characters in your password.
Third, as the host, pay attention to who is in the meeting. If someone that you did not invite is there, ask them right away who they are and why they are there and if they do not belong, toss them from the meeting. You can also use the waiting room option and vet them before you allow them in.
This is important because a bad actor can get meeting URLs by throwing a hack at Zoom. They run hacking tools (ZWardialer is one) that essentially keeps guessing meeting codes until they get in. Zoom will not see this since the tool will be using thousands of compromised computers worldwide to do this. The password and vetting your participants will minimize this risk