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  • 04/24/2020 12:19 PM | Bonnie McNair (Administrator)

    Governor Chris Sununu Issues Executive Order 2020-07

    Concord, NH – Today, Governor Chris Sununu issued Executive Order 2020-07, which includes technical amendments to Executive Order 2020-06 to allow for the appointment of additional members to the Governor's Office for Emergency Relief and Recovery Stakeholder Advisory Board.

    Following release of the amended Executive Order, Governor Sununu has appointed the following individuals to serve on the GOFERR Stakeholder Advisory Board:

    • Amy LaBelle, Owner, LaBelle Winery
    • Hollie Noveletsky, CEO, Novel Iron Works

    Executive Order 2020-07  pdf file

    NOTE: Additional details on the GOFERR Stakeholder Advisory Board  pdf file

  • 04/24/2020 12:08 PM | Bonnie McNair (Administrator)

    Governor Chris Sununu Letter to New Hampshire Business and Industry Association President Jim Roche

    Concord, NH – Today, Governor Chris Sununu sent a letter to New Hampshire Business and Industry Association President Jim Roche regarding tax triggers and reinvigorating New Hampshire's economy.

  • 04/23/2020 2:19 PM | Bonnie McNair (Administrator)

    Nearly $11 million in federal funds to support essential workers and child care providers in response to COVID-19

    April 22, 2020

    Governor Janet Mills and Maine Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) Commissioner Jeanne Lambrew announced today that nearly $11 million in federal funds will support access to child care for Maine’s essential workers, including health care professionals and first responders, and offer relief for child care providers in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

    Under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, Maine has received $10,953,470 through the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Administration for Children and Families’ Child Care and Development Block Grant (CCDBG) program. The CCDBG program helps eligible low-income and working families to afford child care and supports providers in delivering high-quality care. Under the CARES Act, workers deemed essential who are working outside the home (PDF) are now temporarily eligible to receive child care assistance regardless of their income, including health care workers, first responders, emergency medical services personnel, state employees, grocery store staff, environmental services professionals, and others.

    Child care providers affected by the pandemic will also receive immediate assistance. Nearly 2,000 providers will receive a one-time stipend, based on their capacity and extent of their current operations. Child care providers will additionally receive support to aid them in resuming operations following the conclusion of the civil state of emergency.

    “While people throughout Maine are staying home to prevent the spread of COVID-19, we all rely on the essential employees, from doctors and nurses to grocery store workers, state employees and others, who are reporting to work each day,” said Governor Mills. “This funding will help our essential workers care for their children and support our child care providers.”

    “We recognize the challenges that Maine families and child care providers face as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic,” said DHHS Commissioner Jeanne Lambrew. “This funding will help Maine people working on the front lines of this emergency and provide immediate relief for the state’s child care providers.”

    “Access to child care is a vital resource for working families and that is especially true at this time for essential personnel who we depend upon for critical services,” said Todd Landry, Director of the DHHS Office of Child and Family Services. “Today’s actions will support our families and providers during the current emergency and as we look forward to recovery.”

    Financial assistance will support households where all parents/guardians are essential employees who are reporting to work outside the home and will be paid on their behalf directly to their child care provider.

    The new federal funding builds on the strategies Maine DHHS has already implemented to support Maine families and child care providers in response to the pandemic, including:

    • Working with child care partners to match working parents (PDF), including those serving in essential response roles, with providers who remain open at this time
    • For parents participating in CCSP, DHHS is paying the parent portion of child care costs directly to providers
    • Continuing to pay child care subsidy on behalf of children when providers are closed due to COVID-19
    • Extending all current CCSP awards for three months to allow families additional time to submit documentation
    • Implementing emergency, temporary child care licenses to meet the needs of essential employees
    • Regularly distributing guidance to child care providers about appropriate health and safety precautions

    Those interested in learning more may visit the Child Care Subsidy section of the Office of Child and Family Services’ COVID-19 response page at:

  • 04/22/2020 3:19 PM | Bonnie McNair (Administrator)

    Call-in:and Pin: numbers have been updated

    Concord, NH – Today, Governor Chris Sununu announced the formation of the Governor's Economic Re-Opening Task Force, which will develop a plan and oversee the state and private-sector actions needed to reopen New Hampshire's economy while minimizing the adverse impact on public health.

    "Here in New Hampshire, we have been formulating a plan to look at how we can reopen our state in a smart, phased approach that is rooted in science and data for quite some time," said Governor Chris Sununu. "Today's announcement does not mean we are flipping a switch and opening things tomorrow, but is rather a proactive approach enabling us to plan for the re-opening of our economy from a public health standpoint. The formation of the Governor's Economic Re-Opening Task Force will work collaboratively with public health experts and stakeholders across all industries to examine how we can start to re-open of our economy in phases, guided by public health, which will always come first."

    The task force is scheduled to hold its first meeting tomorrow, Wednesday, April 22 at 4 PM.

    The Task Force is comprised of a group of bipartisan legislators, private-sector leaders, and state officials, including:

    • Taylor Caswell, Commissioner, New Hampshire Department of Business and Economic Affairs
    • DJ Bettencourt, Policy Director, Governor's Office
    • Kevin Cavanaugh, New Hampshire State Senator
    • Shannon Chandley, New Hampshire State Senator
    • Sharon Carson, New Hampshire State Senator
    • Bob Giuda, New Hampshire State Senator
    • Ed Butler, New Hampshire State Representative
    • Mel Meyler, New Hampshire State Representative
    • Bill Marsh, New Hampshire State Representative
    • Tim Lang, New Hampshire State Representative
    • John Nyhan, Hampton Area Chamber of Commerce
    • Mike Somers, CEO/President, New Hampshire Lodging and Restaurants
    • Steve Ahnan, President, New Hampshire Hospital Association
    • Timothy Mone, President, New Hampshire Police Association
    • Nancy Kyle, President/CEO, NH Retailers Association
    • Chris Emond, CEO, Central New Hampshire Boys & Girls Club
    • Lori Harnois, Director, State of New Hampshire Travel & Tourism
    • Phil Bryce, State of New Hampshire Parks & Recreation Director
    • Bruce Berke, New Hampshire Travel Council and New Hampshire Chapter of the National Federation of Independent Business

    Wednesday, April 22, 2020
    First Meeting of the Governor's Economic Re-Opening Task Force
    4:00 PM
    Call-in: 1-800-356-8278
    Pin: 125563

    Pursuant to RSA 91-A:2, this meeting is open to the public.

  • 04/21/2020 4:31 PM | Bonnie McNair (Administrator)

    The New Hampshire Fisher Cats (Blue Jays Double-A affiliate) have introduced a new donation program to support COVID-19 relief efforts. 


    "We've been so inspired with how our community has rallied together during these challenging times," said Fisher Cats President Mike Ramshaw. "We're doing everything we can to help, and we're proud to offer an incentive for fans to donate to the GraniteUnited Way COVID-19 Relief Fund."


    Granite United Way is committed to ensuring that our community's most vulnerable families have the support they need to weather the short- and long-term impacts of the COVID-19 outbreak. Granite United Way's COVID-19 Relief Fund rapidly deploys resources to community-based organizations that are offering emergency relief to families and individuals in need.


    "During these unsettling times, one of the greatest things we've seen is our community pulling together," said Patrick Tufts, President and CEO of Granite United Way. "We have built a strong partnership with the Fisher Cats and know that their efforts will benefit those who are affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, both with immediate needs and in the long term."


    The Fisher Cats will make $12 and $6 donations to the Granite United Way COVID-19 Relief Fund through two new donation packages:


    For $24, fans will receive four undated Fisher Cats ticket vouchers and a $12 donation will be made to the relief fund.


    For $12, fans will receive two undated Fisher Cats ticket vouchers and a $6 donation will be made to the relief fund.


    The donation packages are now available for purchase at

  • 04/21/2020 4:12 PM | Bonnie McNair (Administrator)

    You Give Us a Call. We’ll Give You Our Brains.

    To say the business climate for small business right now is challenging, is like saying the iceberg in the way of the Titanic might be a problem.  But like most things in life, to survive you need to adapt, and quickly. That’s where we come in. We’re not saying we have all the answers. But we can offer you is our experience and creative brains to help your business survive COVID-19.

    That’s why TRUE Marketing is offering a free consultation for any small business that wants it. We realize this maynot fix all your challenges, but at least you won’t have to go it alone.

    If you are interested, simply call or email us.
    (603) 742-0488

    What Can you Expect?

    If you want to engage with us, what we offer is pretty straight forward.

    1. Contact us and we’ll schedule a conference call or Zoom meeting with you/your team.
    2. We may send you a questionnaire before the call to help us get a sense of your business and brand.
    3. We will do any research needed before the call.
    4. During the call we will discuss your specific challenges when it comes to marketing your business
    5. We will have an interactive discussion, do a lot of listening, and offer insight and ideas
    6. We’ll follow up with meeting notes that will have action items we discussed. Some of these may need professional help to execute. Others may be things you can do yourself to save you the cost of hiring a contractor. The important part is that you are under no obligation. We’ll discuss ideas and make suggestions, but that information is yours to do with whatever you want.

    The bottom line is this: we just want to do whatever we can to help the businesses in the community we call home. And short of developing a vaccine or bathing the entire Seacoast area in Clorox, this is the best idea we had.

    If you are interested, simply call or email us.
    (603) 742-0488

  • 04/21/2020 3:59 PM | Bonnie McNair (Administrator)

    Governor Mills on Guidelines for Reopening the Economy

    April 17, 2020

    Governor Janet Mills issued the following statement in response to the President’s Guidelines for Opening Up America Again:

    “We all want life to return to normal as soon as it is safe to do so. Our hearts break to see closed storefronts and people struggling to make ends meet because of this crisis. At the same time, we all know that reopening too soon and too aggressively will likely cause a secondary surge in COVID 19 cases, jeopardizing the lives of Maine people and further destabilizing the economy. None of us want that. I have been speaking with a number of economic leaders, including the President of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Their message is clear: the most important thing we can do to turn the economy around is to defeat the virus.

    “As the President acknowledges, the Governors are in charge of reopening their states’ economies and gradually lifting public health restrictions. Here in Maine, we too are planning a phased-in reopening, tailored to the demographics and various economic sectors of our state. Ultimately, the protocols we adopt, made after consulting with people from all parts of the state, will be guided by fact, science and public health expertise.  As the President’s guidelines note, widespread testing, personal protective equipment, and contact tracing are critical to lifting restrictions and reviving the economy; for that reason, the nation’s governors yesterday again urged the Federal government to ensure that all states have these resources.

    “I remain in contact with Governor Sununu of New Hampshire and Governor Scott of Vermont regarding actions that may be appropriate for the northern New England region. My Administration, through the Department of Economic and Community Development, has been connecting with individual economic sectors across the state to devise a plan for how we gradually reopen the Maine economy. Those decisions, of course, are driven first and foremost by the need to protect the public health. We will release details of the plan in the near future.”

  • 04/21/2020 3:53 PM | Bonnie McNair (Administrator)

    04/21/2020 message from U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation: 

    We appreciate your interest in the Save Small Business Fund. Due to overwhelming interest in this grant program, we have reached our capacity and we are not accepting new applicants at this time. We know these are difficult times, and we wish we could help everyone who needs it. Below you can find additional resources to help guide your business through this challenging time.

  • 04/21/2020 12:28 PM | Bonnie McNair (Administrator)

    Dear Valued Employee:

    We wanted to write to you to let you know about a new recovery resource that has been created by the Recovery Friendly Workplace Initiative and SOS Recovery. This spreadsheet compiles information on virtual recovery meetings that are being offered by many of New Hampshire's Recovery Community Organizations (RCOs): are a few additional notes:

    • These meetings are peer-based and non-clinical in nature.
    • They are for those in recovery, those who are looking to enter recovery, and those who have been indirectly impacted by addition (Substance Use Disorder) / another person's substance use.
    • If you are unfamiliar with different types of recovery meetings, you will find descriptions of the ones referenced in the spreadsheet in the second tab. In addition to the more well-known Alcoholics Anonymous meeting, there are many others, including All Recovery, SMART Recovery, 3 Principles, meetings based in Eastern traditions, Family Support groups, grief supports, Al-Anon, Yoga in Recovery, and more.
    • To quickly find a meeting type in the first tab, you can always utilize "Ctrl + f". You can also find links to "home" sites of the different meeting types in the second tab. These "home" sites may list additional virtual options.
    • There are additional meetings beyond what are listed in the spreadsheet, including additional meeting types and meetings themselves. Feel free to do your own exploring to find others and/or reach out to an RCO (contact info at if you have additional questions.
    • Meeting info may change, so if you find a meeting you are interested in attending, we recommend you double check the website/Facebook of the RCO that's offering it (links to the RCOs referenced are provided in the spreadsheet).
    • There are additional notes on how to utilize the spreadsheet in the spreadsheet.

    Please email Sam Lewandowski at if you have any additional questions.

    Thank you, and please know that while we are all navigating particular challenges during this time, we are not doing so alone. We hope that those who have been impacted by SUD find the support they need during this time.





The Falls Chamber of Commerce is a professional association of businesses in  the falls area.  We are the catalyst that facilitates business growth , prosperity, partnership and success for our members. 


Bonnie McNair 

Executive Director
office hours by appointment: 472 High Street, Somersworth NH 03878



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