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  • 06/11/2020 3:49 PM | Bonnie McNair (Administrator)
    Women's Business Centers

    Learn about the NH Center for Women and Enterprise and how they support small businesses. Chandra Reber, NH CWE Director, will discuss how
    they support women and others looking to start and grow their business and how to access the programs and support available.

    We will also talk with a client of the CWE, Molly McGregor - owner of 'Beadorable Designs,' and hear how she worked with the CWE and was able to apply for the SBA's Paycheck Protection Program to help keep her business operating during the pandemic.

    Register Here

  • 06/11/2020 3:47 PM | Bonnie McNair (Administrator)

    The NH SBDC, in partnership with the UNH Survey Center, developed the NH SBDC Business Resiliency Survey. The goal of the survey is to help economic development partners better understand the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on small businesses throughout the Granite State.

    We need to hear from business owners, like you, to better understand your challenges and needs going forward. Your feedback will help determine future programming and service offerings. By leveraging the results of the survey, we can more effectively assist in the state's recovery and reopening efforts. This initiative is made possible through the support of well over 60 partner organizations and funds from the CARES Act.

    The Business Resiliency Survey is live and will be available through June 24. It should take less than 10 minutes to complete. Please click HERE to take the survey.

    Thank you in advance for your time and support. Together - with your input - we can help NH businesses better manage recovery, reopening, and future resiliency!

  • 06/11/2020 3:40 PM | Bonnie McNair (Administrator)

    Applications for the NH Nonprofit Emergency Relief Fund grant program will open online on June 11, and the deadline for applications is June 25 at 4:00 pm.

    The NH Nonprofit Emergency Relief Fund was established by Governor Chris Sununu through the Governor’s Office for Emergency Relief and Recovery (GOFERR). The State of New Hampshire will award grants from the allocated $60 million to help nonprofit organizations impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. The New Hampshire Center for Nonprofits, the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation, and the New Hampshire Community Development Finance Authority have partnered to administer this program.

    More information about the application process, eligibility criteria, and upcoming informational webinars — to be hosted on June 11 and 15 — is available on the GOFERR website. Nonprofits are encouraged to complete an organizational profile as soon as possible. An online portal to complete the profile is also available at the GOFERR website. A completed profile is required as a first step to completing an application, and profiles may be completed before the application opens on June 11.

    Grant funding is intended to reimburse the costs of business interruptions caused by required closures, and sustain nonprofits’ ability to contribute to the state’s recovery from the impacts of the coronavirus outbreak. Grants will not be awarded on a first-come-first-served basis; all applications will be evaluated based on program criteria. To receive funding, organizations must be recognized as tax-exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

    The NH Nonprofit Emergency Relief Fund program supports three purpose areas:

    • Nonprofit organizations that mitigate the critical public health and economic impacts of the COVID-19 crisis for residents who rely on those organizations for critical services. This includes, but is not limited to, organizations providing essential human services.
    • Nonprofit organizations that contribute to economic, cultural, and civic vitality. This includes, but is not limited to, arts organizations, nonprofit community development corporations, economic development organizations and technical assistance providers, organizations that provide safe outdoor places for people to recreate, community-based organizations that deliver timely and sometimes life-saving information about COVID-19, and civic organizations that unite people across differences to find solutions.
    • Coalitions, networks, and collaboratives of nonprofit organizations that maximize cooperation and impact, and also speed the state’s distribution of funds to meet urgent needs.

  • 06/11/2020 3:22 PM | Bonnie McNair (Administrator)

    The Federal Reserve Board on Monday expanded its Main Street Lending Program to allow more small and medium-sized businesses to be able to receive support. The Board lowered the minimum loan amount, raised the maximum loan limit, adjusted the principal repayment schedule to begin after two years, and extended the term to five years, providing borrowers with greater flexibility in repaying the loans. The Board expects the Main Street program to be open for lender registration soon and to be actively buying loans shortly afterwards.

    "Supporting small and mid-sized businesses so they are ready to reopen and rehire workers will help foster a broad-based economic recovery," Federal Reserve Chair Jerome H. Powell said. "I am confident the changes we are making will improve the ability of the Main Street Lending Program to support employment during this difficult period."

    Small and medium-sized businesses are a vital part of the economy and employ tens of millions of people, and, because their needs vary widely, the Board has extensively sought feedback and revised the Main Street program accordingly.

    The changes include:

    • Lowering the minimum loan size for certain loans to $250,000 from $500,000;
    • Increasing the maximum loan size for all facilities;
    • Increasing the term of each loan option to five years, from four years;
    • Extending the repayment period for all loans by delaying principal payments for two years, rather than one; and
    • Raising the Reserve Bank's participation to 95% for all loans.

    The chart below has additional details on the changes.

    Once they have successfully registered for the program, lenders are encouraged to begin making Main Street loans immediately. The Main Street Lending Program intends to purchase 95% of each eligible loan that is submitted to the program, provided that the required documentation is complete and the transactions are consistent with the relevant Main Street facility's requirements. The Main Street Lending Program will also accept loans that were originated under the previously announced terms, if funded before June 10, 2020.

    Nonprofit organizations play a critical role throughout the economy, and the Board is working to establish a program soon for these organizations.

    The Main Street Lending Program was established with the approval of the Treasury Secretary and with $75 billion in equity provided by the Treasury Department from the CARES Act. Additional frequently asked questions and answers for lenders and borrowers are also available. The form participation agreement and other legal forms will be updated to align with the changes announced today.

    Make Full Screen

    Main Street Lending Program Loan Options New Loans Priority Loans Expanded Loans
    Term 5 years
    (previously 4 years)
    Minimum Loan Size $250,000
    (previously $500,000)
    Maximum Loan Size The lesser of $35M, or an amount that, when added to outstanding and undrawn available debt, does not exceed 4.0x adjusted EBITDA
    (previously $25M)
    The lesser of $50M, or an amount that, when added to outstanding or undrawn available debt, does not exceed 6.0x adjusted EBITDA
    (previously $25M)
    The lesser of $300M, or an amount that, when added to outstanding or undrawn available debt, does not exceed 6.0x adjusted EBITDA
    (previously $200M)
    Risk Retention 5% 5%
    (previously 15%)
    Principal Repayment Principal deferred for two years, years 3-5: 15%, 15%, 70%

    (previously principal deferred for one year and 33.33% repayment due in years 2-4)
    Principal deferred for two years, years 3-5: 15%, 15%, 70%

    (previously principal deferred for one year and 15%, 15%, 70% repayment due in years 2, 3, and 4, respectively)
    Interest Payments Deferred for one year
    Rate LIBOR + 3%

    For media inquiries, call 202-452-2955

    Related Content

    Last Update: June 09, 2020

  • 06/11/2020 3:18 PM | Bonnie McNair (Administrator)

    June 10, 2020

    As the State continues to respond to COVID-19, Governor Janet Mills today extended the State of Civil Emergency for thirty days through July 10, 2020.

    According to the National Governors Association, nearly every state in the nation has ongoing emergency declarations. Last Friday, New Hampshire Governor Chris Sununu renewed his State of Emergency as well. This will be Governor Mills’ third extension of the State of Civil Emergency. Under Maine law, State of Civil Emergency Proclamations may only be issued in thirty day increments.

    “It is important for all of us to remember that this dangerous, highly contagious and untreatable virus is still all around us,” said Governor Mills. “As Maine continues to reopen and more people begin to interact, we must remain vigilant and follow public health guidelines, such as wearing face coverings, staying six feet apart whenever possible and washing our hands frequently, to protect ourselves and others. In the meantime, our Administration will do all we can to continue to safeguard public health and support our economic recovery.”

    A State of Civil Emergency allows the State to continue to draw down critical Federal resources and to deploy all available resources to respond to COVID-19.

  • 06/10/2020 8:18 PM | Bonnie McNair (Administrator)

    Concord, NH - Today marks 100 days since the first confirmed case of COVID-19 was announced in New Hampshire on March 2, 2020. In the 100 days since, the State has taken historic action to protect the health and well-being of New Hampshire citizens.

    “I would like to thank the people of New Hampshire for standing with us since the first confirmed case of COVID-19 was announced in New Hampshire 100 days ago,” said Governor Chris Sununu. “The public health crisis we are facing has presented challenges of an unprecedented nature - but at each step along the way, our team has stepped up and gotten the job done.”
    “It’s hard to believe that in just 100 days, we’ve gone from having little PPE to regularly securing planeloads filled with thousands and thousands of pounds of the equipment,” said Governor Chris Sununu. “We took immediate action to expand unemployment benefits, have set the gold standard for the rest of the country with remote learning, have allocated hundreds of millions of dollars in relief funds, and have made tests available to any New Hampshire resident who wants one. There’s still more work to be done, but our team has moved mountains in the past 100 days.”
    To date, there have been 5,132 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in New Hampshire, with 88,647 tests performed. Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, less than 5% of New Hampshire’s hospital beds have been occupied by COVID-19 patients, on average.

    PDF filePortable Document Format (.pdf) . Visit for a list of free .pdf readers for a variety of operating systems.

  • 06/09/2020 9:58 AM | Bonnie McNair (Administrator)

    Concord, NH - Today, Governor Chris Sununu issued Emergency Order #50 as part of the state's efforts to respond to COVID-19.

    • Emergency Order 50 PDF file: Temporary modification of travel expense allowance for members of the General Court

    PDF filePortable Document Format (.pdf) . Visit for a list of free .pdf readers for a variety of operating systems.

  • 06/08/2020 3:53 PM | Bonnie McNair (Administrator)

    Joint Statement by SBA Administrator Jovita Carranza and U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven T. Mnuchin Regarding Enactment of the Paycheck Protection Program Flexibility Act


    WASHINGTON –SBA Administrator Jovita Carranza and U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven T. Mnuchin issued the following statement today following the enactment of the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) Flexibility Act:

    “We want to thank President Trump for his leadership and commend Leader McConnell, Leader Schumer, Speaker Pelosi, and Leader McCarthy for working on a bipartisan basis to pass this legislation for small businesses participating in the Paycheck Protection Program.

    “We also want to express our gratitude to Chairman Rubio, Ranking Member Cardin, Senator Collins, Congressman Roy, Congressman Phillips, and other members of Congress who have helped to create and guide our implementation of this critical program that has provided over 4.5 million small business loans totaling more than $500 billion to ensure that approximately 50 million hardworking Americans stay connected to their jobs.

    “This bill will provide businesses with more time and flexibility to keep their employees on the payroll and ensure their continued operations as we safely reopen our country.

    “We look forward to getting the American people back to work as quickly as possible.”

    Upcoming Procedures

    SBA, in consultation with Treasury, will promptly issue rules and guidance, a modified borrower application form, and a modified loan forgiveness application implementing these legislative amendments to the PPP.  These modifications will implement the following important changes:

    Extend the covered period for loan forgiveness from eight weeks after the date of loan disbursement to 24 weeks after the date of loan disbursement, providing substantially greater flexibility for borrowers to qualify for loan forgiveness.  Borrowers who have already received PPP loans retain the option to use an eight-week covered period.

    • Lower the requirements that 75 percent of a borrower’s loan proceeds must be used for payroll costs and that 75 percent of the loan forgiveness amount must have been spent on payroll costs during the 24-week loan forgiveness covered period to 60 percent for each of these requirements. If a borrower uses less than 60 percent of the loan amount for payroll costs during the forgiveness covered period, the borrower will continue to be eligible for partial loan forgiveness, subject to at least 60 percent of the loan forgiveness amount having been used for payroll costs.
    • Provide a safe harbor from reductions in loan forgiveness based on reductions in full-time equivalent employees for borrowers that are unable to return to the same level of business activity the business was operating at before February 15, 2020, due to compliance with requirements or guidance issued between March 1, 2020 and December 31, 2020 by the Secretary of Health and Human Services, the Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, related to worker or customer safety requirements related to COVID–19.
    • Provide a safe harbor from reductions in loan forgiveness based on reductions in full-time equivalent employees, to provide protections for borrowers that are both unable to rehire individuals who were employees of the borrower on February 15, 2020, and unable to hire similarly qualified employees for unfilled positions by December 31, 2020.
    • Increase to five years the maturity of PPP loans that are approved by SBA (based on the date SBA assigns a loan number) on or after June 5, 2020.
    • Extend the deferral period for borrower payments of principal, interest, and fees on PPP loans to the date that SBA remits the borrower’s loan forgiveness amount to the lender (or, if the borrower does not apply for loan forgiveness, 10 months after the end of the borrower’s loan forgiveness covered period).
    • In addition, the new rules will confirm that June 30, 2020, remains the last date on which a PPP loan application can be approved.

  • 06/08/2020 3:41 PM | Bonnie McNair (Administrator)

    June 8, 2020

    Building on expanding capacity, the plan provides testing option as an alternative to Maine’s 14-day quarantine 

    The Mills Administration today unveiled an alternative to the State’s 14-day quarantine requirement for people entering Maine. The multilayered plan, called Keep Maine Healthy, aims to protect the health of Maine people and visitors while allowing the opportunity for people to visit Maine and support Maine small businesses during the summer months. The plan rests on three cornerstones: 1) having visitors certify that they have received a recent negative COVID-19 test to stay in lodging establishments, such as hotels, as an alternative to quarantine; 2) increasing symptom checks at places where visitors tend to go; and 3) supporting community promotion of COVID-19 prevention best practices and public health education.

    “The COVID-19 pandemic has loomed large over our state’s tourism industry. Many Maine people are fearful that more visitors will increase the spread of the virus while many small businesses are fearful that a lack of visitors will force them to permanently close their doors,” said Governor Janet Mills. “It is my hope that by creating layers of protection to reduce the risk of transmission of the virus this plan will protect public health, establish Maine as a safe place to visit, and allow tourists to come to Maine to support our small businesses.”

    “We look forward to safely welcoming tourists to Maine,” said Heather Johnson, Commissioner of the Department of Economic and Community Development. “We believe that tourists will be selecting destinations that are safe and still have the high quality experiences that Maine is known for.”

    “Maine people and businesses should be proud that their commitment to public health and science-based precautions has limited the spread of COVID-19,” said Jeanne Lambrew, Commissioner of the Department of Health and Human Services. “As we enter the summer months, Maine is prepared to support visitors as well as residents of our state in keeping Maine healthy.”

    To protect Maine people during the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, the State implemented a quarantine requirement – a proven public health strategy to mitigate the spread of the virus – that required those entering Maine to quarantine for 14 days. Nearly half the states in the country, including all in New England, implemented some form of quarantine for travelers since the start of the pandemic.

    Recognizing the value of the tourism and hospitality industries to Maine’s economy, and knowing that people will travel to locations that are safe, the Mills Administration has been working collaboratively to develop a proposal that aims to protect the health of Maine people and visitors while allowing the opportunity for tourists to enjoy Maine’s incredible summer and support our small businesses. Over the course of the past several weeks, the Administration has engaged with tourism and hospitality industry leaders, business owners, local chambers of commerce, public health experts, lawmakers, and municipal officials, among others, to devise the Keep Maine Healthy plan.

    Keep Maine Healthy has three cornerstones:

    1. Testing as an Alternative to Quarantine: The State will allow adults who obtain and receive a negative COVID-19 test no later than 72 hours prior to arrival forgo the 14-day quarantine upon arrival in Maine. This test indicates that, even when coming from areas with a higher prevalence of the disease than Maine’s, such individuals are unlikely to have COVID-19 and to spread it to Maine residents and other visitors.  Maine is strongly urging visitors to “Know Before You Go,” meaning they should get tested and receive their test results in their home state before traveling to Maine, which will allow them to take appropriate action depending on the result. Individuals may be tested upon arrival in Maine as well, but they must quarantine while awaiting the results.

      Additionally, the State will exempt residents of New Hampshire and Vermont from the testing and 14-day quarantine requirement altogether because, when adjusted for population, the prevalence of active cases of COVID-19 in these states is similar to that in Maine. There is no other state with as low a prevalence of COVID-19 within a 12 hour drive. Meanwhile, the prevalence of the virus in states like Massachusetts, New York, and New Jersey – where nearly half of Maine’s tourists historically originate – is eight to eleven times higher than the population-adjusted cases in Maine. This exemption is effective immediately for travel and effective June 12th for stays in lodging establishments. The State will continue to evaluate possible additional exemptions based on trends in other states.

      People who are not residents of Maine, New Hampshire or Vermont and are visiting Maine will be asked to sign a Certificate of Compliance indicating either that they have received a negative COVID-19 test result, that they will quarantine in Maine for 14 days, or that they have already completed their quarantine in Maine. This compliance form must be provided to check-in at all Maine lodging, campgrounds, seasonal rentals, overnight camps, and other commercial lodging, such as Airbnb. Visitors may be asked to furnish proof of the negative test result upon request. It will become effective July 1 (Stage 3) when lodging establishments may begin serving residents outside of Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont. The Department of Economic and Community Development, in conjunction with the Department of Health and Human Services, has prepared a draft form for public feedback and will finalize it in the coming week. Signing a compliance form in order to stay in lodging establishments is also a policy employed by both the states of New Hampshire and Vermont.
    2. Increasing Symptom Checking: Given that at least half of all people with COVID-19 show symptoms, the State will encourage symptom checks through State and local systems, as well as through the private sector, like those the State has already required for some COVID-19 Prevention Checklists utilized by Maine businesses.

      The Department of Health and Human Services will partner with the Maine Community College System to enlist Maine students in the health professions under the guidance of the Public Health Nursing Program to ask visitors in high-traffic places in tourist destinations, such as visitors’ centers and beach parking lot entrances, about such symptoms and to offer advice on staying well. Additionally, the Department of Transportation will place signs at key sites – such as along major roadways entering Maine, State Parks, or State Ferries – instructing people to stay home or seek medical care if they have symptoms of COVID-19. These signs will also include the requirement that most out-of-state visitors quarantine or get tested for COVID-19. High-density private sector businesses, such as museums and retail stores, will be encouraged to use symptom checks as well.
    3. Supporting Local Public Health and COVID-19 Prevention Efforts: Recognizing that municipalities are on the front lines for community questions and concerns related to COVID-19 and that many municipalities would like to partner with the state to be part of the solution, the State will incentivize municipalities to develop and implement their own COVID-19 prevention and protection plans by reimbursing municipal costs associated with public health education and prevention activities. The State will support up to a total $13 million statewide from the 100 percent federal Coronavirus Relief Fund. Local prevention and education plans should include a point of contact for the municipality or Tribal government and one or more of the following:
      • Public education activities: This could include printing and posting of existing State or national COVID-19 prevention information and developing local educational activities that are consistent with CDC guidelines. Costs eligible for reimbursement would include staff time for planning and education activities and costs for signage, materials, website development, brochures and mailing.
      • Physical distancing and public health support: This could include fences, tape, and signage for physical distancing in public spaces and closed streets; providing staff to limit crowds in front of restaurants, bars, beaches and other sites; new traffic pattern signage and education; purchases of personal protective equipment and hand sanitizer to be made available for staff, visitors, and for use at public locations; and extra cleaning supplies and additional staff time required for enhanced cleaning and management of public spaces and restroom facilities.
      • Local business assistance: This includes staff time for a Code Enforcement Officer, Local Health Officer, or other person designated by the municipality or Tribe to be the local contact for educating local businesses on best practices.  This may include following up on public complaints and, for certain cases, reporting to State officials when there is a potential public health violation that cannot be quickly resolved through educational means. 

    “The Maine Municipal Association commends and thanks Governor Mills and her Administration for developing the Municipal COVID-19 Awareness Campaign opportunity for cities and towns,” said Christine Landes, President of Maine Municipal Association and Gardiner City Manager. “Not only will the program help offset local expenses, it also recognizes the front line role municipal officials have played, and continue to play, in keeping their residents and visitors safe since the COVID-19 health crisis took hold in mid-March.  By making $13 million in CARES Act funding available, the Governor’s partnership plan provides municipalities with reimbursement for local public health education and support activities and local business assistance.  MMA encourages municipalities that have the capacity and interest to take advantage of this local coronavirus assistance program.”

    The three elements of this plan – testing, symptom checks, and local prevention – will complement the State’s work to raise awareness of best practices to keep Maine safe during the COVID-19 pandemic. To that end, the Department of Health and Human Services has launched a public awareness campaign called “Keep It Maine” to motivate people to continue the COVID-19 prevention best practices that have helped Maine maintain its low case counts compared to other states, including physical distancing, wearing of cloth face coverings, and hand hygiene.

    In addition to the prevention measures, a new standing order and significantly expanded testing will support employees of Maine’s tourism industry. Employees and customer service are the core of the Maine tourism experience, and this expanded testing will ensure they have access to testing to protect themselves, their families, and the people at their hotels or other hospitality sites.

    Throughout this process, Maine CDC will monitor epidemiological data, as it has throughout the entire reopening process, including case trends, hospitalization rates, and reports of COVID-like symptoms, as well as health care readiness and capacity. If a review of these metrics in their totality and in context finds evidence of a concerning increase in COVID-19, the State reserves the right to move swiftly to limit harm and protect Maine people, including the potential of rolling back some sector-specific re-openings in a community or region.

    A longform version of Keep Maine Healthy can be read HERE.  

  • 06/08/2020 3:40 PM | Bonnie McNair (Administrator)

    June 8, 2020

    Plan furthers IDEXX partnership to quadruple testing capacity in July, advances swab-and-send site development, and makes testing available to more people in Maine

    The Mills Administration announced today that it will quadruple COVID-19 testing capacity at the State lab, develop testing sites throughout Maine, and allow more people in Maine with elevated risk of exposure to get tested for the virus. This dramatically expanded testing capacity, which will come online in July, is critical to protecting the health of Maine people as well as visitors this summer.

    Under the plan, the Maine Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) is building on its partnership with Maine-based IDEXX Laboratories, Inc. to create a new mobile lab anchored at the State lab in Augusta which will quadruple current testing capacity. DHHS will utilize this added capacity by developing "swab and send" locations across Maine to ensure that 90 percent of residents can get tested within 30 minutes of their home. Additionally, the State is making testing available to more people by providing a standing order allowing individuals at elevated risk to get tested without an order from a health care provider.

    "This expanded testing capacity represents another breakthrough for Maine in the fight against COVID-19," said Governor Mills. "This expansion, along with new swab and send sites, is an important step forward in allowing more people across Maine to get tested and stay healthy. On behalf of this Administration and on behalf of all the people of Maine, I thank IDEXX for their continued partnership and their commitment to our state."

    "Access to timely, accurate, and affordable COVID-19 testing is central to protecting public health in the face of this pandemic," said DHHS Commissioner Jeanne Lambrew. "This expansion builds on Maine's progress to date and further supports our quick intervention to prevent the spread of this highly contagious virus."

    Maine's existing testing activity already far exceeds the U.S. CDC recommended minimum of testing 2 percent of the population per month. In May, the state's public and private labs conducted nearly 37,000 tests, surpassing the minimum by 40 percent. The plan announced today will bolster capacity further through the following steps:

    • Creating a New Mobile Laboratory: DHHS and IDEXX are expanding their existing partnership to expand the State's laboratory capacity through a new mobile laboratory to be stationed at the State's Health and Environmental Testing Laboratory (HETL) in Augusta. As a result of this new capacity, starting in July, the State lab will be able to process an additional 25,000 tests a week, quadrupling current capacity. This added capacity is made possible through purchasing at least 350,000 additional test kits, bringing on IDEXX personnel, and the new mobile lab, which will serve as an extension of HETL. The initiative is supported by federal funding. DHHS expects to finalize a contract with IDEXX in the coming week.
    • Creating "Swab and Send" Sites: DHHS will utilize this added capacity by developing 20 "swab and send" locations across Maine to ensure that 90 percent of residents can get tested within 30 minutes of their home. These 20 sites will complement the roughly 40 current testing sites available to the public. This week, DHHS will formally invite applications for federal grant funding to support the establishment of these specimen collection sites and testing of their samples at HETL. This greater access to safe and accessible testing will also extend to tourists, seasonal workers, and other visitors to Maine.
    • Making Testing Available to More People in Maine: Today, DHHS is issuing a standing order allowing most people in Maine with elevated risk to get a COVID-19 test without the need for a separate order from a health care provider. This means individuals can seek testing even if they don't have a primary care provider or a written order from a clinician if they face a higher risk of exposure, with or without experiencing symptoms. This could include: health care workers and first responders, seasonal and migrant farm workers, people experiencing homelessness, visitors from other states with a higher prevalence of the virus, and employees of congregate living facilities such as nursing homes, lodging establishments, grocery stores and other businesses who have direct, daily contact with the public.

    Maine's existing and expanding testing capacity can support this standing order, which brings the state another step closer to ensuring that anyone can receive a COVID-19 test, regardless of their potential risk of exposure or circumstances.

    The expansion of testing announced today parallels the Mills Administration's expansion of COVID-19 contact tracing for the State of Maine. Maine DHHS is now recruiting and adding skilled staff and volunteers to conduct contact tracing statewide. DHHS has also secured contracts with local organizations throughout the state to help people with COVID-19 maintain self-isolation through social supports, including food, psychological and emotional first aid, and case management, along with providing linguistically and culturally appropriate information about COVID-19.

    View the current and proposed COVID-19 testing map (PDF)





The Falls Chamber of Commerce is a professional association of businesses in  the falls area.  We are the catalyst that facilitates business growth , prosperity, partnership and success for our members. 


Bonnie McNair, Executive Director
office hours by appointment: 472 High Street, Somersworth NH 03878



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