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  • 06/01/2020 3:37 PM | Bonnie McNair (Administrator)

    Seacoast project selected by ISO New England to bolster regional energy system completed

    MANCHESTER, New Hampshire (June 1, 2020) — Eversource has completed construction of the Seacoast Reliability Project (SRP), a 13-mile 115 kV transmission line that will help to ensure the continued delivery of reliable power communities and businesses throughout the region depend on. The SRP was energized on Friday, May 29, a milestone that marks the completion of a suite of projects selected by New England’s independent system operator to address the urgent need for additional transmission capacity in the Seacoast region.

    “With many people continuing to work and learn from home, the safe and reliable delivery of power has never been more essential than it is during these uncertain times,” said Eversource President of Transmission Bill Quinlan. “The completion of the Seacoast Reliability Project is an exciting development in our efforts to serve our Seacoast customers and to support economic growth in the future. As restoration and landscaping continue through the spring and summer, we will maintain close communication and collaboration with our host communities, property owners and businesses while adhering to social distancing and other best practices to safeguard health and prevent the spread of COVID-19.”

    “We’re pleased the project is winding to a successful close,” said Durham Town Administrator Todd Selig. “Construction has proceeded according to schedule and Eversource representatives have endeavored to work cooperatively with town officials in order to mitigate local impacts to the extent reasonably practical for a regionally significant project of this size, scope, and duration.”

    The SRP was constructed almost completely within existing rights of way between substations in Madbury and Portsmouth. Eversource invested more than $126 million to construct the project and bolster regional infrastructure—delivering direct benefits to Seacoast customers including enhanced system reliability and property tax payments to host communities. In addition to working closely with local officials, residents, businesses, environmental groups and other stakeholders throughout construction, Eversource followed guidelines established in construction agreements and discussions with Durham, Madbury, Newington, Portsmouth and UNH.

    “Environmental impacts to the Great Bay ultimately were shown to be in accordance with the NHDES-approved monitoring plan and demonstrated compliance with N.H. SEC permit conditions,” added Selig. “The results of the extensive water quality sampling program undertaken by Eversource’s environmental monitoring consultants demonstrated that state water quality standards were attained for all parameters and indicate that ecological impacts during construction were negligible.”

    As the energy company’s crews and contractors work to complete final construction activities, including environmental monitoring and reporting, they are continuing to follow strict safety precautions, including practicing social distancing, wearing face coverings and using enhanced sanitation practices.

    “We are grateful to our host communities for their input and partnership throughout the planning process, as well as their understanding and patience as we work together to serve the public during the pandemic,” said Quinlan. “We remain committed to being a good neighbor and environmental steward as this project continues to deliver benefits to the Seacoast for years to come.”

    For more information about the Seacoast Reliability Project, visit, call 888-926-5334 or email with any questions.

  • 06/01/2020 3:07 PM | Bonnie McNair (Administrator)

    May 30, 2020

    Concord, NH - Today, following the peaceful George Floyd March in Manchester, Governor Chris Sununu issued the following statement:

    “This morning I called the organizers ahead of the George Floyd March in Manchester to let them know the State of New Hampshire stands with them in their calls for justice," said Governor Chris Sununu. "This important conversation must continue and we must constructively work together as a nation to ensure there is change.”

  • 06/01/2020 3:05 PM | Bonnie McNair (Administrator)

    May 29, 2020

    Concord, NH - Today, Governor Chris Sununu issued Emergency Order #49 as part of the state's efforts to respond to COVID-19.

    Emergency Order #49 PDF file: An order extending Emergency Order #40 (An order extending and modifying Emergency Order #17 (Closure of non-essential businesses and requiring Granite Staters to stay at home))

    PDF filePortable Document Format (.pdf) . Visit for a list of free .pdf readers for a variety of operating systems.

  • 06/01/2020 11:33 AM | Bonnie McNair (Administrator)

    May 30, 2020

    Governor Janet Mills has directed the Maine Department of Corrections (MDOC) to offer to purchase perishable and non-perishable food from restaurants in York, Cumberland and Androscoggin counties that are unable to open to indoor dining as a result of measures to protect public health and mitigate the spread of COVID-19.

    Restaurants in these counites that had purchased food prior to the May 27 announcement delaying the full reopening of restaurants for dine-in services are encouraged to contact the MDOC about this opportunity.

    The MDOC has capacity to purchase perishable and non-perishable food items, except for dairy, at a price equivalent to the price paid for the same items through MDOC’s food contract. Purchased food will be served to staff and inmates. Restaurants interested in selling to MDOC would need to be a registered vendor (PDF) with the State of Maine. Payments to vendors typically take two weeks.

    “I hope this move will provide some measure of relief to businesses in these counties as we work to protect public health, keep Maine people healthy and alive, and mitigate the spread of this deadly virus so we can safely reopen,” said Governor Janet Mills. “At the direction of the Governor, the Department of Corrections stands ready to help businesses in York, Cumberland, and Androscoggin counties, which will in turn support our staff and inmates,” said Randall A. Liberty, Commissioner of the Maine Department of Corrections. “We are honored to be of assistance.”

    Interested restaurants are asked to contact the MDOC directly. Inquires may be directed to MDOC Associate Commissioner Karen Yeaton: by Friday, June 5 with the following information:

    • Type of food you have available
    • Quantity you would like to sell
    • Dollar value of food

  • 06/01/2020 11:28 AM | Bonnie McNair (Administrator)

    May 29, 2020

    Governor Janet Mills and Attorney General Aaron Frey issued the following statements today in response to the U.S. Department of Justice seeking to undermine the health and safety of Maine people:

    “Maintaining the 14-day quarantine, a proven tool to prevent the spread of this deadly disease, has never been about anything other than protecting the health and safety of Maine people at a time when millions are expected to flock to our state from COVID-19 hot-spots. I imagine it is for this same reason that so many other Governors have enacted similar measures,” said Governor Janet Mills. “My Administration has long said that we are working hard to find an alternative to that quarantine, and we are continuing that effort every day. I am deeply disappointed – and frankly disgusted – that the U.S Department of Justice is making a concerted effort to undermine the health of the people of Maine – objections they never raised when the President and his own task force took steps to limit travel. It seems to me that their only actual ‘interest’ here is, at best, political or, at worst, to harm Mainers, not defend them.”

    “The Executive Orders and the Restarting Plan at issue in this lawsuit were carefully crafted and have been reviewed and updated in order to protect Mainers’ health during the COVID-19 pandemic. Specifically, the requirement for individuals travelling into Maine from out of state to self-quarantine for 14 days (with exemptions for essential workers) was examined by my office, which determined it was a lawful requirement consistent with Maine’s public health challenges,” said Attorney General Aaron M. Frey.

  • 06/01/2020 11:27 AM | Bonnie McNair (Administrator)

    May 28, 2020

    Concord, NH – Today, Governor Chris Sununu sent two letters to the Trump Administration regarding federal funding to help New Hampshire respond to COVID19.

    PDF filePortable Document Format (.pdf) . Visit for a list of free .pdf readers for a variety of operating systems.

  • 06/01/2020 11:27 AM | Bonnie McNair (Administrator)

    May 29, 2020

    Governor Janet Mills today released a letter she sent last Friday to the Legislature’s Presiding Officers in response to their request for a “Re-Opening Task Force”. The complete text of the letter is below.

    As of today, Maine has reopened its economy on par with or to a greater extent than most other New England states. No other New England state has opened restaurants for indoor dining while Maine has opened them for both indoor and outdoor dining in thirteen of its sixteen counties. Further, in the three counties with high daily case counts and community spread, restaurants may open on June 1st for outdoor dining with continued take-out and curbside pickup food service, but not for indoor dining which presents a higher level of risk.

    The data and trends on which these decisions are based are on the Maine CDC website and are explained by Dr. Shah in his daily press briefing.

    May 22, 2020

    The Honorable Troy Jackson President of the Senate
    3 State House Station
    Augusta, Maine 04333

    The Honorable Sara Gideon
    Speaker of the House
    2 State House Station
    Augusta, Maine 04333

    Dear President Jackson and Speaker Gideon:

    I write today to respond to your request that I issue an executive order establishing a legislative advisory commission to make recommendations concerning the state’s public health response and several other matters regarding the COVID-19 emergency.

    I believe this request follows what I consider to be a misimpression that our administration has not been responsive to or is not consulting the Legislature on matters of restarting Maine’s economy. As you know, I take seriously my responsibility as chief executive of the State of Maine to spearhead the state’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic and to take all reasonable and necessary steps to protect the health of the people of Maine and the health of the Maine economy. To that end, I have taken several steps, granted under authority unanimously provided by the Legislature, to protect our state.

    Throughout this pandemic, our administration has strived to provide the Legislature, respecting its role as a coequal branch of government, with regular updates, and we have sought to keep open lines of communication. That is why, in part, I speak with not only you, but your Republican counterparts regularly and why I make my staff available to you as well. As you also know, we have fielded, and continue to field, hundreds of requests for information, suggestions on policies, and concerns over various matters every week from legislators and legislative staff, to which we strive to provide timely responses so that they, in tum, may serve their constituents. To further improve the distribution of information, my office has also been distributing weekly updates detailing the work of executive branch departments; those departments, in tum, are in frequent contact with legislators on committees familiar with their work. In addition, I have formed an Economic Recovery Committee, which includes well-known economists, labor and business experts and legislators, to examine the long-term impacts of the pandemic and make recommendations for policy measures for consideration by both the executive and the legislative branches.

    I am not convinced that a formal commission, which you have requested be staffed, advised and informed by our already busy executive branch department heads and employees, would add anything to the robust flow of information and advice currently in place. As I have said repeatedly, the decisions this administration is making are made on the basis of fact, science and medical expertise, with survival of both the lives and the livelihoods of Maine people as our foremost goal. Every department of state government is fully invested in this effort, and we have not let up since day one. The success of our efforts is demonstrated by the low number of confirmed COVID-19 positive cases compared to other states. We are working hard to make sure our numbers remain low over the coming weeks and months, continuously consulting with medical experts, stakeholders and others affected by the executive orders. This administration always welcomes positive suggestions to inform our response to the pandemic, and we will continue to respond to them from you and other members of the Legislature. But I cannot agree to create a commission I believe would only divert from the critical and time-sensitive work we are doing and inject an unnecessary layer of political partisanship into these very sensitive decisions.

    Instead, I seek your advice and counsel on another equally pressing and important matter. As you are aware, the State of Maine has received through the Federal government an allocation of $1.25 billion in Federal funding that the U.S Treasury Department has said can only be spent on necessary expenditures incurred due to the COVID-19 pandemic. I have been pressing the Trump Administration and Congress to provide more direct support to state and local governments as well as added flexibility for the funding that has already been received. My administration is awaiting action from Congress to adjust some components of the CARES Act and provide flexibility in terms of the timing and the way the funding can be spent. I will then seek your input on how these funds should be spent. It is my understanding that the Appropriations and Financial Affairs Committee is considering meeting to consider this very question. I welcome the opportunity to have this important discussion.

    In the meantime, I continue to respect the Legislature’s authority, and my administration will, as it has been, continue to hear your input and respond to your questions as, together, we seek to protect the health of Maine people and support our economic recovery.

    Thank you.


    Janet T. Mills Governor

  • 06/01/2020 11:25 AM | Bonnie McNair (Administrator)

    May 29, 2020

    Governor Janet Mills today signed an Executive Order that allows for the gradual easing of restrictions implemented under previous Executive Orders as the state continues to reopen under the Restarting Maine’s Economy plan. As of today, Maine has reopened its economy on par with or to a greater extent than most other New England states.

    “It is my responsibility to protect the health and wellbeing of Maine people and to support our economy. Throughout this reopening process, I will continue to fight to strike that balance,” said Governor Mills. “This Executive Order allows for the gradual lifting of restrictions as we continue to reopen our economy. I continue to ask Maine people to stay home whenever possible, not only to protect themselves but to protect others as well, like our frontline workers. If and when you do go out, I urge you to stay local and shop local, to stay at least six feet apart from others, to wear a face covering, and, as always, to wash your hands and practice good hygiene. Staying vigilant will save lives and allow us to safely reopen our economy.”

    To a large extent, the Executive Order signed today consolidates for clarity the major provisions of previous Executive Orders and adds to the face covering requirement. The following is an outline of the order:

    Eases the restrictions on certain gatherings from 10 to 50 beginning June 1 consistent with the Restarting Plan.

    1. Eases restrictions on eating establishments permitted to reopen and maintains restrictions on those not yet authorized to reopen consistent with the Restarting Plan.
    2. Phases out the distinction between essential and non-essential businesses consistent with the implementation of the Restarting Plan.
    3. Continues to require businesses to the extent practicable as determined by businesses to have their employees work remotely.
    4. Continues but relaxes Maine’s “Stay Safer at Home” Order, which has Maine people stay-at-home with exceptions, allowing people to visit more businesses and participate in more activities as they reopen under the Restarting Plan.
    5. Maintains previously established restrictions on use of public transportation, unless necessary for essential purposes, and continues to limit passengers in certain private vehicles.
    6. Effective June 5th, requires places of business accessible to the public to post readily visible signs notifying customers of the requirement to wear cloth face coverings where physical distancing is not possible, as many already have, and allows them to deny entry or service to a person not wearing a covering or who is exempt from doing so.

    The Order is effective May 31, 2020 and will remain in effect until rescinded.

  • 06/01/2020 11:25 AM | Bonnie McNair (Administrator)

    May 28, 2020

    Concord, NH – Today, Governor Chris Sununu established the Governor’s COVID-19 Equity Response Team to develop a recommended strategy and plan to address the disproportionate impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.

    The team, comprised of thought leaders in racial/ethnic disparities and health equity, will present recommendations within 30 days.

    “Ensuring equity in our response to COVID-19 is a priority for the state,” said Governor Chris Sununu. “I would like to thank the members of the COVID-19 Equity Response Team for taking on this important charge and I look forward to their recommendations.”

    The COVID-19 Equity Response Team members are as follows:

    • Chair: Trinidad Tellez, MD, Director, Office of Health Equity, DHHS
    • Bobbie Bagley, MS, MPH, RN, CPH, Director, Division of Public Health & Community Services, Nashua
    • Kirsten Durzy, MPH, Equity Council lead, public health evaluation and narrative/storytelling expert, Division of Public Health Services, DHHS
    • Rogers Johnson, President, Seacoast NAACP, Chair of Governors Advisory Council on Diversity and Inclusion
    • Dottie Morris, PhD, Associate Vice President for Diversity and Inclusion, Keene State College

    Advisory team members representing needed additional voices/perspectives, constituencies, academic disciplines, and areas of specific expertise will be engaged as needed.

    Response Team’s charge and mission document PDF file

    PDF filePortable Document Format (.pdf) . Visit for a list of free .pdf readers for a variety of operating systems.

  • 06/01/2020 11:24 AM | Bonnie McNair (Administrator)

    May 28, 2020

    Concord, NH - Today, Governor Chris Sununu issued the following statement after President Trump announced that he will extend the National Guard's Title 32 status:

    “From PPE distribution to running testing sites, the men and women of our National Guard have helped the state respond to COVID-19 every step of the way,” said Governor Chris Sununu. “I commend the President for extending Title 32 status. This announcement will allow our National Guard to continue to provide critical services.”


    Note: Governor Sununu wrote to President Trump earlier this week requesting an extension of the National Guard's Title 32 status.





The Falls Chamber of Commerce is a professional association of businesses in  the falls area.  We are the catalyst that facilitates business growth , prosperity, partnership and success for our members. 


Bonnie McNair, Executive Director
office hours by appointment: 472 High Street, Somersworth NH 03878



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